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Tag Archives: vertigo
Healing Verses from the Holy Qur’an and Hadiths
I bought some days ago the book “Healing verses from the Holy Quran and Hadith” in which Mawlana Hisham Kabbani (may Allah give him long life with health) says that when we are sick, we have to ask a Wali to give us du’a Continue reading
Posted in General, Health
Tagged ayah, cure, healing, Healing verses from the Holy Quran and Hadith, Holy Qur'an, Meniere's disease, nausea, shifaa, treatment, verses, vertigo, vomiting
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Prayer Request: Healthy Life
My name is [private] (please keep the name private) and my mother’s name is [private](please keep the name private). My head feels heavy and tight all the time. I have mild vertigo and mild scoliosis. I’m 25 yrs old. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged blood test, dizziness, light headed, oxygen, regular exercise, vertigo, vitamin D
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Prayer Request: Vertigo
My doctor diagnosed me with ‘Vertigo’, a chronic type of dizziness. Persons with this disease will see things moving while they are stationary. I cannot go to mosque like I always did every night to do the Shalah with Jema’ah. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Wife’s vertigo
I got married recently 6 months back, My wife gets dizziness (has vertigo) and under medication… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged childbirth, difficulties, dizziness, health, married, medical issues, medication, medicine, physician's advice, pregnancy, remove, sadaqa, vertigo, wife
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Prayer Request: Vertigo
My mom is suffering from serious type of dizziness, where there is a feeling of motion when one is stationary. Continue reading