A Message to all eShaykh Users
A Message to all eShaykh Users

As- Salaamu `alaykum,

First of all we would like to thank the contributors of eShaykh for their time and effort. Also, many thanks to all the users who are waiting patiently for our responses. In an attempt to catch up on the backlog of questions, etc, we need to share a little information with our users. Behind the scenes at eShaykh there is a whole process that starts after you submit your “Question”, “Prayer Request”, or “Dream”.  This process involves choosing a shaykh to respond to the post, sending him/her the post, setting its status to “waiting author’s response” and then once he or she responds, adding the response to the post, editing the English, inserting appropriate tags, creating an excerpt, and finally running it through a review process. Only after this is complete is the post actually made public. We are trying  our best to get caught up at eshaykh.com. With a handful of staff, insha’Allah, we are trying to make sure that each Post gets answered. In our effort to be as efficient and timely as possible, we need your cooperation on a few things:

1) ONE user ID per person please!

There are many users who register using various email addresses and have 2, 3, or more user IDs. We do read all of the incoming mail and have noticed that the same posts are being asked by people under different user IDs, sometimes within minutes of the first question. This actually slows our productivity down because in addition to the the Questions, Prayer Requests, and Dreams that need addressing, we also have to filter for multiple repeated posts under different user IDs.

If you have more than one user ID, please delete the extras. If you do not and we catch it, you may end up losing all your IDs.

2) Please allow at least one month for a response.

We are spending a lot of time reading repeated posts and many times the questioner  has not given us time to reply to the first post.   After  sending it once, please be patient and wait like everyone else.

Thank you and May Allah (swt) bless and guide us all,


I asked "those who know" - eshaykh.com

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