Istihare ve Seyh Abdullah el-Dagistani Hz


Selamun Aleykum

I will write follows my dream to be Turkish:

Dusuncemde bu Ocak ayi icin post-graduated programina (Marketing Management&Financial Service) baslamak vardi.istihare namazi kildim.Bu istihareye biat aldigim gun yatmistim.Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.Ruyamda,Seyh Abdullah el-Dagistani Hazretlerini henuz 30lu yaslarindaki hali ile gordum. Dedemin evinin bahcesine Seyh Hzretleri girdi, onun elini optum.O evin girisine merdiven sahanligina oturdu.Ogle namazini kilacaktik. Ben abdestim olmadigi icin Sheyh hazretlerinden musade istedim ve abdest almaya gittim. Abdest aldigim yer bahcedeki ahirdi, ve icinde lavabo varmis. Icerisi hafif karanlikti ama kapidan biraz aydinlik geliyordu.Abdesti aldim ve Sheyh Hazretlerinin huzuruna vardim. Hazir oldugumu soyleyecektim ki, Seyh Hazretlerinin gozleri yemyesildi.Kendisinie ne kadar yesil gozleriniz var dedim. Namaza baslamadan once bir sey almam gerekiyordu.Ben onu almaya giderken Seyh Hazretleri bana halvete ne zaman cikiyoruz dedi. Ben de kendisine siz ne zaman isterseniz efendim dedim. sonra gidip geldim ve uyandim. Ben bu programa baslamadim cunku Ingilizceme guvenmedim.Gecmis bir olay ancak yorumu merak ettim.

Selamun Aleykum


I did the Istikhara Prayers and went to sleep. This was to decide whether I should go for my post-grad on Marketing Management & Financial Services or not. In my dream I saw GSA. He was in his 30s. He entered my grandfather’s garden. I kissed his hands and he sat down. We were going to pray Zuhr prayers together. I asked him permission to make wudu and went to the stable in the yard for it. The place I made my wudu was a little dark, a little light was coming in through the door. I made my wudu and went back to GSA. Right when I was about to tell him that I was ready I realized how green his eyes were and I told him that. (That his eyes are so green) Then before we starting prayers I needed to get something while I was going to get it GSA asked me when we’ll be doing our khalwat. I said whenever you like Sayyidi. Then I went and came back and woke up. I didn’t go for the post-grad, because I thought my English was not good enough. It’s been a while since I saw this dream but I still wanted to know the meaning.


Bu Buyuk Seyhimiz Abdullah Dagistani Hazretlerinin sizi gozettigi anlamina geliyor. Onunla birlikta namaz kilmaniz da nerede namaz kilarsaniz kilin O’nun size imamlık yaptığının gostergesi.


It means Grandshaykh is looking after you and your praying with him means whenever you pray he is your Imam.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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