I feel there is some hindrance in getting a good job for me and my husband.
I had a very good paying job but as the project had come to an end, they had to stop my services. I have been looking desperately for a job for the past 2 months almost. My husband is also not getting any good increment in his job. Please advice what to do.
As-salaamu `alaykum,
Per Hajjah Naziha’s recommendation for this situation:
Insha-Allah rizq will open to you too.
Recite Ya Razzaq 100 times daily;
Ya Fattah 100 times daily;
Ya Haleem 100 times daily;
Recite Salawat Darud 100-1000 times daily to take you out of your situation, and keep your daily five prayers, don’t stop the praying.