Pictures of Shaykh(s) and angels


Asalaamuayelaikum brother,
Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem

InshAllah you are keeping well and in good health. I wonder if you would be able to answer a question that was raised at our book club last week,  I don’t want to give my own assumption so would if you could advise.

We have begun to study ‘Angels Unveiled a Sufi perspective by Shaykh Hisham’ MashAllah.
2 of the girls present are very excited and interested in Sufism but they have had a Salafi upbringing.

They were told that if you have pictures or even teddy bears or dolls in a room then angels can’t enter. They feel worried that having a picture of Shaykh even may cause this situation where angels can’t come.

I have a personal opinion on this matter, but as this information has been given to them from there imams at mosques I don’t want to give an unsubstantiated response.

I would be really grateful if you could advise.
The girls are not awkward or difficult they are definitely loving the Sufi perspective, but they want to give a response to their family who question them and pressure them about such matters.
Thank you for your time brother.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Please see here for an answer.

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