Assalam-o-Alaikum ya Sayyidi!
Al-Fatiha for Shaykh Nazim’s soul, may Allah increase his darjah and May Allah bless Shaykh Hisham, Shaykh Adnan and Shaykh Mehmet.
Ya Sayyidi, I am going too far from ibadah. I am not able to worship whenever I make niyyah of worship, laziness surrounds me and as I am nothing, I fall prey to it. At the time I started to follow tariqa, I was very fond of ibadah but now everything is changing. I am staying away from ibadah. I can’t even wake up at Fajr. I am continuously doing sins. It feels to me that there is a huge war going inside me. I can’t bear it. I know that I am the most asfal salik but please ya sayyidi pray for me and give me a wazifa which I can recite to better my condition. Please reply early.
Jazak-Allah Khairan
Wa `alaykum salam,
Ameen. See the answers in the following posts:
Prayer Request: No desire to do anything
Prayer Request: Getting Slow Day by Day