Trouble in dealing with friends


salaam waleykum,
i am 17 & i am having trouble in dealing with my friends group. i really love them and even they do but unfortunately we had a fight. there were misunderstandings and am sure that if i am able to solve those misunderstandings then everything would just be like before but here the problem is that they are not ready to even look at me. when i go near them they start ignoring me. besides my friends i am having problems with my family too. most of the time i m depressed. its like its not me anymore. everything i try do to goes wrong somehow. however according to me the the cause is my friends. i want to and i need to put an end to this misunderstanding. please help me . and tell me what to do exactly. any dua that can help me. Thank you!


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Please follow Shaykh Taher’s advice in the Post “Friends.”


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