What is happening to me?


what is happening in our time … what is the time we are living in now…
I know you know what im talking about…
Everyone knows me and knows what happened in my life …and what iam doing in my life…everyone knows so much about me…
In the name of Allah and his messenger The Prophete Muhammad, you know very well what i am talking about here…
Can you please keep in contact with me and help me… of course under the obedience to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w….
give me as much as you can…tell me as much as you can…
So in my father’s name…help me and don’t leave me …
Who am i?
I am not able to practise, i am able to do very little in my life now…
i am not well…
I growing confused and weak…
Please keep in contact with me…


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Please see the Post “Need Spiritual Help” for guidance inshaa-Allah.


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