What should I do?


Assalamu alaykoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu,
Ramadan Mubarak. A couple years ago, a trusted family member gave me a ‘taweez‘ to attract good luck. i have numerous times told this person my view on such matters and i am strongly against it, unless it is from Quran. I took it because i didnt want to upset her. but later i threw it out because i wasnt comfortable carrying it. i threw the taweez without properly ”disabling it” in the garbage.

I later felt very uncomfortable after i learned that sacrificing an animal as part of making it and felt sad and bothered. Is there anyway to disable it? And what amal can i do during Ramadan to remove any sihr and obstacles to my success. This person also does other types of sihr to control others.

jazakallahu kairan


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Please see the Post “Black Magic Done On Family” and follow the given advice.


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