World War before Imam Mahdi (AS) appearance


Salam Alaikum Moulana,
I have read all the transcripts of Moulana Sheikh Nazim, May Allah bless him with long life. I am bit confused at one point, In one transcript it is written as World War III will start before Imam Mahdi(AS) appears in this world. He is will stop the war, then comes Dajjal and then coming of Isa(AS). But again every one are expecting Imam Mahdi(AS) to appear in this year i.e 2011 Hajj al akbar. How can this be possible as the war has not started. Please forgive me if my question is incorrect. Please Pray for us.


wa `alaykum salam

Yes as the hadith states: “until two huge sides fight one another.” Anything can happen between now and Hajj. If not then he appears later.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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