family relative


i would request shaykh hisham answer my question. if he is not available, then one of the ulema. thank you.

s. alaikum dear shaykh hisham. i have an issue. one of the imams close to our city is a big wahabi salafi imam. i heard from reliable people that he said bad things about the the prophet’s s.a.w. parents. he said athaghfirullah, they are going to hell fire. i hate this wahabi imam. he is a devil in my eyes for saying such a thing. he is mal’oon! la’nathallahu ‘alayh! i have a relative that goes to his masjid. he is neither wahabi nor in sufism. if my relative says something smart to me, getting offended about this, then we might get into a fighting argument. what should i do dear shaykh? forgive me for lack of manners. i dont know how to have adab. thank you. salamu alaikum.


wa `alaykum salam

Who spends 40 days with a people becomes one of them. This applies to the Wahabis as well. That is why our mashaykh say listening to those “scholars” who attack love of the Prophet (s) and his family and the mashaykh and the Sufi way, must be avoided for listening to one for one hour will bring darkness to the heart of one year.

As to seeking a fight with such a person, why bother? Do what you know is right, which is quiet avoidance. The true “he-man” is the one in control of his anger.

Taher Siddiqui

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