Dua to prevent mind reading


Salaam to all shuyukh especially to Mawlana and his deputies. Sorry for my bad adab. Firstly I would like to know about my ancestry my fathers side are shaikhs, I wanted to know if I am belonging anyway to ahl al bayt or to Abu bakr siddique (ra) family.

Secondly is there any dua to block people from reading my mind, especially my in laws (mil and fil). I feel constantly spied upon and whatevr I speak especially with my husband I feel it gets conveyed there. I dont knw why they r doing this, isnt it done with jinns?

Thirdly before taking bayt I have been reading surah juma thrice every friday and still am, as I read that its good for keeping love between spouses. Do I need permission to read or is it ok.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,

1) See the Post “Am I a Sayyid?
2) See the Post “People are reading my thinking
3) See the Post “Dhikr Ijazah


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