Assalamualaikum Sayidi
What happens if we die before having performed Haj?
Thank you and wasalam
wa `alaykum salam
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Hajj is fard (obligatory) once in a lifetime for Muslims.
The conditions for Hajj are :
- Muslim
- Have reached the age of puberty
- Having sound mind
- Having the physical ability to perform the rites and the financial means for travelling.
If someone, for example, does not have the financial means to pay for the travelling and for the provisions for his/her stay, then it is not obligatory upon the person. It will not be written as sin if he/she passes away.
It will only be a sin if he/she fulfills all the conditions but make no intention to perform it.
W ‘Allahu `Alam.
Muhammad Razib