Tag Archives: puberty
Delayed Puberty
Women in my husband’s family sometimes reach puberty at seventeen and around thirteen in my side of the family. When is fasting and salaat fard on young girls in case of delayed initial menstruation? Continue reading
Removal of hair (pre-puberty)
My 8 1/2 yr-old daughter has been complaining to me for months to have her leg hair removed (shaved) because she claims she is the only girl her age in school who has so much visible dark leg hair… Continue reading
Child Brides
What does Islam/the Shariah say about men having “child brides,” say age 6 or 7 and the girl has not reached puberty… Continue reading
Concealing the truth from children
One of my children is a fussy eater so I put vegetables in his food without him knowing… Continue reading
Covering aurah
I know that in Islam, women who reach baligh, need to cover their aurah from non-mahram except for their mahram… Continue reading
die without Hajj
Q: What happens if we die before having performed Haj? Continue reading
Age for prayer and fast
I want to know according to Hanafi school what is the age for a boy and for a girl after which fasting in Ramadan and offering 5 daily prayers become obligatory upon him/her? Continue reading