dear sir assalamlikum
I have two question one i need job since two years i am looking for job never find anything, second i wanted my husband back who abandoned me used me for immigration i need him for my son, please i need wazifa Allah create love in his heart for me and for my son, also respect my son need his father, please, and i am very upset in my life due financial problem, please sir , i am very religious praying five times wearing hijb abaya, reading quran, and very good wazifa i need that will change my life my destiny, because dua is only power which changing destiny.
thank you
wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Per Hajjah Naziha Kabbani’s recommendation for this situation:
Insha-Allah rizq will open to you too.
Recite Ya Razzaq 100 times daily;
Ya Fattah 100 times daily;
Ya Haleem 100 times daily;
Recite Salawat Darud 100-1000 times daily to take you out of your situation, and keep your daily five prayers, don’t stop the praying.
As for your second request, you may follow the advice given here in-sha-Allah.