Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wabarakatuhu,
I am asking you for something with full of shame for myself.
I took baya online back in 2008 and a few years afterwards I faced a spiritual crisis (due to my ego and private problems in my life) to the extent that I virtually doubted my faith in Islam. However, I never took someone else other than Almighty Allah to be my Lord as I know there is only ONE GOD. But I did doubt Islam as my religion.
Today, I have the same problems but I honestly regret what I did. Now, I always read shahada and make salawaat to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallahou Alayhi Wassallam often. Insha Allah I will be forgiven.
Regarding Tariqa, I want to know whether my Baya with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is still valid.
May Almighty Allah through the Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallahou Alayhi Wassallam bless you.
wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Please see Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s answer in the Post “What breaks baya`“.
See also: Tauba and Baya