Prohibited relationships


I dated a guy for 2 years. But for the last 6 months I had this feeling of guilt that it is ‘Haraam‘ and that I should end it. I was dying of this guilt. Though I was in love and we both intended to marry but I left him to find peace with Allah. I mean I was in an illegal relationship (holding hands etc) and I feel terrible about it. I hate my self for disobeying Allah. I am still feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. I haven’t found peace.

A. How do I find peace?
B. Will Allah forgive me for such a big sin?
C. How can I be sure that I am forgiven?
D. Will Allah punish me for my sin though I am repenting?
E. Will Allah punish me for leaving him as he was heart broken and thinks I am not sincere since I left?


Please see Shaykh Gibril’s answer in the Post “How can you tell if Allah forgives you?” and follow his advice.


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