Is it a jinn what’s suffocating me


Assalamualaikum. Please help me. I said about my room to you before also. When I sleep there I get a dream where my body is numb and I cant speak. Yesterday same thing happened. I was reciting Ayat al-Kursi,  but cant blow on him. He was sitting on my chest. Please reply soon. I don’t know what’s happening. When I sleep especially on my bed alone I wake up choked. When some one is there I’m fine and some one else sleeping in that place is also fine. I’ve read Surah Baqarah too.


Dear Sister,

wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Regarding what is bothering you in your room, read here.

Please continue to follow the advice Shaykh Gibril gave to you from one of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s recent suhbats.

Additionally, you may follow Hajjah Naziha’s advice in the Post “Dream: Suffocation“.

Most importantly, take baya, in-sha-Allah!


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