After fajr whilst in wudu and falling asleep praying for someone who’s in hospital. I dream I’m in beautiful garden outside hospital, I’m there to visit a sick person. In front of me there’s a loved one calling me except I think it’s Shaytaan impostoring. He keeps calling me… I’m tempted, I proceed to him, he touches me but from the disgust feeling I know it’s Shaytaan. I become so angry I start beating him with my stoned ring, my left hand squeezing his neck and beating with my right. He tries to shape shift into a snake but I keep hold of his neck to stop him escaping, he becomes so weak and small. As I beat him I run with him up and down the garden. I want to kill him but can’t. I want to visit my sick Aunt but can’t because of Shaytaan in my fist.
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam,
Shaytan always comes to divert us away from goodness. Alhamdulillah, you were able to be powerful against him. The appearance of Shaytan as a loved one foreshadows the Anti-Messiah, Dajjal, who will show someone his dead parents as alive and encouraging him to follow Dajjal. And Allah knows best.
Dr. Karim Tourk