Prayer Request: Eyesight


Selam eleke

May Allah bless you all in your works. If you could answer this letter for the sake of Allah, I would be too happy. I love reading the sohbets. Before I wasn’t wearing glasses. Later I couldn’t see the small print. Doctor gave me glassess only for reading but now when i take my glassess off my eyes have gotten worse. Please, is there any powerful zikr or prayer for all kinds of vision problems and do you need ablution reading them


`Alayki ‘s-salam

May Allah Most High bless you and may His Prophet be well-pleased with you here and hereafter.

Before sleep recite Fatiha, last 2 verses of Surat al-Baqara, the last 7 verses of Surat Yasin, and the last three Suras of Qur’an then blow into hands and pass over your face. Recite this salawat every day x100: Allahumma salli` ala kaamil an-nur.

Continue to have your vision checked by your eye doctor as needed.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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