As-Sabur: The Patient One


Why is As-Sabur the last one in the listing of 99 names of Allah? Why is it ordered the way it is ordered?


Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani said, in a suhbat dated 4th January, 2010:

Allah’s (swt) Last Name is as-Sabur, jalla jallaaluh (The Patient). If Prophet (s) is first saying as-Sabur jalla jallaaluh, and then saying the remaining 99 Divine Names, human beings will be taken away quickly to punishment. But the Divine Order is that the 99 (Divine Names) are said first, then as-Saboor jalla jalalluh. He (swt) is not in a hurry, He is so patient. If Allah Almighty is not patient He is quickly getting His heavenly anger, then no one can be on Earth. But His heavenly order is ordering the Seal of Prophets (s) to put His Last Name as as-Saboor jalla jallaaluh


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