Bayah / Awrad


Assalum u alaikum respected sheikhs

Firstly may I say jazakallah for accepting my online bayah. May Allah give me strength to increase my knowledge and become a better Muslim. I have a few questions which I will post separately so please forgive me in advance.

Is the daily awrad compulsory? I am asking this because as a single mother it is difficult to conduct this whilst performing other duties? And also do the stages of the awrad have to b done all at once or can it be broken into parts? For example can some be done with fajr then more with dhuhr and so forth.



wa `alaykum salam,

The awrad are not compulsory, as no one can make fard (obligatory worship) what Allah has not made obligatory.  The awrad are highly recommended and beneficial nawafil practices based on the Sunnah.

For the other questions, see the Posts:

Awrad: complete at once or in parts?
Daily Awrad.


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