Prayer Request: Da’uad alayis salam wazifa


I like someone n we have been talking to each other with intention to get married but now he’s not talking to me because His mother is saying she doesn’t want to get him married yet and there is people in my family who are doing black magic also that the rishta doesn’t happen. We like each other n want this but feel if we keep talking to each other wel b upset. So now at this moment he isn’t talking to me.

Will this wazefa help melt his heart and his mother heart so she asks for the rishta? After reading this wazefa or during wazefa I would like if he contacts me and says he’s ready to tell his family. And more thing would it b possible if I read this for 21 dys? Im only saying this because my mother is looking for rishta.
Allah hafiz


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Yes, inshaaAllah. Please see the answer given here.


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