Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Is bitcoin and other crypto currencies halal? Continue reading
concealing or exposing sins of others which necessitates hadd punishment
What should one do if someone is witness of someone’ Zina… Continue reading
Shaving my bump
I am 15 years old boy and i just want to know that can i shave hair from my bump. Continue reading
Organ Donation
Is it permitted to donate a kidney or part of one’s liver to help someone who needs a transplant? Continue reading
At the time of death.
Please can you tell me in the woman area if a woman has passed away, is it permissable to pray out loudly around the body that include naats and nasheeds? Continue reading
Eternal and Infinite Speech and Abrogation
If the Positive Attributes of Allah (namely, Speech and Knowledge) are subject to the Negative Attributes (namely, Eternity [No Beginning; No End]), how can doctrinal ‘naskh’ validly abrogate (etc.) the Eternal Continue reading
Wahhabis and Khalid bin Waleed on calling ‘Ya Muhammad’
can you please respond to this where they are claiming the hadiths of Khalid bin Waleed and Ibn Umar is weak. Continue reading
Is Jesus the Word of God?
Shaykh Gibril, what does the Quran mean when it calls Jesus “kalimat Allah”? Of course, we cannot interpret this in the sense of “word made flesh” like a walking word. So what does this mean?
Which animals go to Jannah
It mentions a ant that it’s one of the ten animals that will go to Jannah. Continue reading
Joining MSA
My question is regarding joining the MSA on campus. Continue reading