Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Can a non-Muslim be in authority in a Muslim country?
I have question about the meaning of Surah Al Maidah 51.
Does Islam allows Muslim to vote for non-Muslim to be in the position of governor in a Muslim majority country? Continue reading
euthanazing a suffering animal
Is it permitted to put an animal that is suffering to “sleep”? Continue reading
Distinguishing between Black Magic and Prophetic Miracle
How can we distinguish between a real Mu’jiza and a strange event performed through sorcery? Continue reading
Maturidiyya on Rewards and Punishments
What reasoning do our Muslim brothers of the Maturidi Aqeedah give for saying that Allah punishing the good and rewarding the bad if He so wishes would be absurd? Continue reading
Dream while traveling: Worried after reading Ibn Sirin Book
Thief in blue tried to steal from wife bag. Continue reading
Dream about Hajjah Amina Adil
I saw a dream about Hajjah Amina Adil.she was smiling and her eyes were zoomed and it was shown blue colour. Continue reading
Plz pray for my brother to get a good job.
Plz pray for my brother to get a good job, he is very desperately searching and whole family is worried. Continue reading
Permission – Ibn Sirin Dream Interpretation Book
Assalam Alaykom: Allah bless you for your support. I purchased Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams book… Continue reading
Marriage Advice + Istikhara Request
Its not time for my marriage yet but had isitkhara (twice) done which was positive but they didn’t accept … Continue reading