Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Istikhara for marriage decision
My name is [private] and I would like to marry [private]. Please make Istikhara and let me know if Shaykh Hisham would happy with the match. Jazakallah khair. Allah bess you all Continue reading
Who are the Habashis?
The Ahbash of Lebanon are a sect founded by the Ethiopian Abdullah al-Harari who hated Mawlana Grandshaykh and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim out of jealousy just like shaytan hated Sayyidina Adam and Sayyidina Muhammad (s) out of jealousy. They are big in Australia and North America, they are well-funded and they pose as Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`ah by fighting Wahhabis… Attached is a detailed refutation. Continue reading
Dream: Shocking Dreams
I have been having dreams about a man whom I am interested in marrying. I did not pray istikhara but so I am not sure if these dreams are from shaytan or if I should be worried. Continue reading
Dream: rêve de tomates
1; je rêve de plantation avec des fuits ou legumes (je me souviens plus) pas encore mures poussaient sur une table dans notre cour.
2.j’ai révé que des tomates poussaient dans notre cuisine, elles étaient bien mûres, j’ai demandé à qui appartenait cette plantation, on m’a dit qu’elles appartenaient à X (l’homme que j’aime en réalité). est ce que la couleur rouge des tomates est un mauvais signe?
3.un autre rêve: je voix X entrer dans notre maison et monter a l’étage voir mon père puis il redescend et me trouve dans le salon, il m’approche et après je vois un enfant dans mes bras qui urine un peu sur ma main.
(en réalité X est déja marié et m’avait demandé d’être sa deuxième épouse puis l’affaire est restée sans suite.) Continue reading
Prayer for uncles family
Asalaam Alaikum may Allah keep you all happy. I wanted Mawlana Sheikh Nazim to pray for my uncle’s family [private] and [private] and their daughters [private] and [private]… Continue reading
Tawba for zina
Salams Shaykh, I have committed two zina with prostitutes this year and in my heart I really regret. Continue reading
Prayer request for marital problems
Salaams! Please request Mawlana Shaikh to pray for my situation. My wife has taken a temoprary restraining order against me. Continue reading
love someone
Dear shaykh hisham I love someone for the sake of Allah swt but she is not Muslim and she is very popular in this era I will not mention name as I’m not allowed Continue reading
Suffering from serious black magic
As salamualykum I am [private]. I am suffering serious black magic 10 years and many jinn’s problem that sent by magic by step grandmother. She feed serious poisons my mother after my birth. She is biggest witch and she learned it in [private] only for harm my whole family and my uncle is maulana is black magician and also 2 aunt. These people works together for destroy my family. Continue reading