Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Prayer Request: Du’as, advices and support
Shoukran lillah for your suhba. I love you. I need guidance, support. I want you to… Continue reading
Advice Requested Ya Shaykh!
Shortly after I took online bayat (which I hope is accepted), I fell into a major sin… Continue reading
Problems in my sleep
I am having problems while sleeping. People around me are telling me that I am… Continue reading
Dream: Beautiful Man in a vision
(18 years ago) This was not really a dream but a vision like a blink of an eye… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Personal Attention of Seyyedi Sh. Hisham Requested
I am a humble mureed of Sh. Nazim QS & You. First of all, I say Jazakaalh for your… Continue reading
Shall I marry him?
Shaikh Hisham said I would marry, so I registered on SufiLoveMatch. Now someone… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage Prospect
A brother who is a dear friend has requested that we begin the process towards… Continue reading
Aim of my existence
I want to ask you about the aim of my being into existence as still I am not able to… Continue reading
Moving to a village
My family wants to move to a village near my sister, although we are happy here but… Continue reading