Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

nose drops

Do nose drops invalidate the fast? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: prayer action required

I hope you are in best of health. I know a man called fiaz ul hussain, he keeps sending anger to my brother, which makes my brother out of control. He also keeps sending obstacles our way so that we go and see him to fix the obstacles for money, he reads something on my dad and brother so that they follow him. I know and my family know that he is a jealous man. Please can you tell me what to read that he leaves us alone, he also is the cause of my sister going unwell, beacuse he thinks we will go and see him but we dont like him


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black magic/nazar/marriage FAO Sheikh Hisham

The brothers name is [private] and is 23 years old. He wishes to marry me.
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a lot of people ask me why we do the hadrah, and once I heard it was to celebrate the coming of Imam Mahdi A.S, some say its out of love for the Prophet s.a.w.
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Posted in Halal & Haram, Sufism (Tasawwuf) | Comments Off on Hadrah

From a grateful heart …

Please accept my sincere thanks for writing, publishing and distributing the Naqshbandi Guidebook. Not only is this book indispensable in the daily prayers and practices but proved invaluable during our recent umra’. Courtesy the Guidebook my family and I learnt the proper adab of visiting the holy cities, entering the Haram through Babus-Salam, greeting the Kaaba with tawaaf qudum, etc. The book has duas from the moment of boarding our flight for the holy city! Upon entering the city it taught us to ask rijaal Allah to help in our visit and in showing proper respect!
Thank you also for this wonderful website. By the Grace of Allah, I offered shukr for this website and the Guidebook in the Hijre Ismail and asked Allah SWT to bless the Shuyukh, and all their supporters involved with these illustrious projects.
Wa-assalamualykum wa Rahamtullahi wa Barakatuhu. Continue reading

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Belief: Prophet’s Sitting on Throne

In a recent subhat Mawlana Shaykh Hisham mentioned that there are hadiths, accepted by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya that the Prophet (s) will be seated on the Divine Throne. Can you explain further? Continue reading

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Strange paralysing experiences while sleeping

I wana ask u tht I have been recently experiencing something v strange,while in sleep my mind awakens & I cud c my room clearly & it appears something has grabbed me powerfully tht I m unable to move, Continue reading

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wudu-small drop of urine

even when its clear, “sometimes” after praying…i found out my underwear has a spot of urine…this gave me waswas and really displease me especially on friday prayer(unvalid wudu). Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Need guidance

Assalam-u-alaikum may Allah give you long life and big reward for helping ppl.i have done online bayyat a while ago since then i can feel someone is protecting me from evils that is a positive change but i have done bayyat Continue reading

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Visiting Sheikh

I would like to ask if it is good for me now in my situation to go to cyprus to visit Sheikh Nazim or do you have another advice for my situation. Please let me know what is better for my situation. Continue reading

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