Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Istikhara request

I wish to do istikhara for marriage to a woman I met a few months ago and would like to know your advice on which is best practice for doing it and which guide I should follow as I have not done this before. I would be grateful for a link to this. Continue reading

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Meeting a shaikh

I recently came to know and realise how much of a sinner I am and I am trying hard to increase my love for Allah and submit to him. I now got to know that this can be done with the aid of the shaikh
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Prayer Request: open the doors for marriage

I would like to get married to a person i have met, i have known him a year now and would like guidance to if he is the person i will marry. We get on well and see each other in public place. Continue reading

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istikhara request

My name is [private] and my question is (istikhara request) what is my personal purpose in life? Continue reading

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404 Error

A question I asked a few days ago was answered today by the venerable Mashaykh of yet I am unable to read the answer. Continue reading

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Dream: death

Dream: I had a dream and in it a person who i think i slike a neighbour a male informs me that sheikh nazim has died at the age of 220. What does that mean? Interpretation: wa `alaykum salam, See … Continue reading

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istikhara related to marriage

met a guy did istikhara yearago saw dark green curtain don istikhara again saw a broken glass kitchen floor, Continue reading

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Uneasy feeling in the heart

I often feel uneasiness in my heart especially over issues of ibadat. For example, after I pray I often feel uneasy in my heart because I’m worried that my wudu’ may not have been valid, thus invalidating my prayers…. Continue reading

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Sayyed Ahmed Amiruddin,Khilafat,Statements of Imam Mahdi

1b. And could the following please be validated as to whether it is the belief of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamah or not Continue reading

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Istikhara Result

I drank alcohol a few weeks ago, which i regret sincerely, i needed to do istikhara for a very serious decision. Continue reading

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