Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Working for financial Institution like Bank/ Investment firm dealing with Riba

I am a Computer Professional working with Oracle Database. Is it permissible to work as a Database administrator for a financial Instutution like a Bank or investment firm like on Wall St dealing with Riba – Interest… Continue reading

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Natural cure for Asthma

Some asked a question for the natural cure for asthma,… Continue reading

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I need to know if i will get answers to some posts sent a month ago? Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh nazim(ha) & a dream.

I met with shaykh nazim(ha). I ask him to cure me from sa7er n i gave him my left hand.He took my hand n recite sumthing n all was clearly heard “, Allahu Haq”.He said,its nothing just ur nerves.Reality,Whenever sa7er enter to our house,my left hand will feel sick as its sign of sa7er.h. Continue reading

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Picture of Rasoolallah

I have a picture of Rasoolallah I heard that MSN did want to publish it but i am not sure. I want to know if it is ok to put it on youtube and I also want to know more information about that picture if someone of you knows it. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Please pray for me

I am married for last 4 yrs and still childless,pls do pray and do isikhara and tell dua for me as iam worried. Continue reading

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bad eye, which is hasad, or envy. how to get rid of it

I would like know how to get ride of The negativity can come from `ayn, bad eye, which is hasad, or envy. Continue reading

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Dream: He told me:” you are the next” part 2

then we were interrupt by my friend. he got really angry on my friend. because my friend practise reiki.
The man want it him dead or injure him badly. I could feel his angry rising and the intention to murder. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: istikhara prayer

I would be very gratefull if you could the the istikhara prayer for me for I am to get married in the family. Continue reading

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borderline be all end all.

I would like to become a sufi women after all shiites started sufism. Continue reading

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