Tag Archives: saints
Regarding Tombs
Salafis say that it is not permissible to build tombs over graves or raise the grave. Continue reading
Adab for visiting Khawajagan
I want to visit to maqam of Naqshbandi saints Golden Chain in Uzbekistan… Continue reading
Life in grave
İ have a question about the people in the grave, many times you referd that anbiyyullah and awliyaullah body dont decompose in the grave.. Continue reading
Dream: Talking to Lions
Group of people (I do not know them) along with me wandering in a jungle, suddenly we saw group of lions… Continue reading
Dream: Imam Mahdi
I had a dream the world is coming to an end like qiyamah people are just running no one cares… Continue reading
Dream: Meeting with saints
I saw myself to meet qalander Rabia basri,lal shahbaz and bu ali Qalander and two nights consecutively I met them but didn’t see their faces… Continue reading
Natural cure for Asthma
Some asked a question for the natural cure for asthma,… Continue reading
The existence of saints in non-Islamic religions
A brother postulated that the existence of saints in other faith traditions proves the validity of other religions… Continue reading