Tag Archives: validity

Is this marriage valid ?

J ai rencontré une femme et apres quelques mois de frequentation j ai decidé de ne pas conclure par le marriage. Quelques jours apres cette femme m apelle pour me dire qu il y a un cheikh representant de mawlana qui est a Paris et part le lendemain que ce serai bien que je le voi avant qu il parte. Continue reading

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Should I announce to the one whom receives my zakat

I want to be clear about zakat: if I give zakat to someone it is necessary for me to tell him that it is zakat or not need to tell him and just give him? Continue reading

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URGENT: Father disapproves of marriage proposal.

In my situation I have described previously, would I be allowed to marry this brother without my fathers consent… Continue reading

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Validity of a Muslim marriage

I have been married for 10 yrs and have a 5 yrs old child. I used to work and my husband took all my money… Continue reading

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urination, ablution and doubts

after urinating i always get doubt even when i have already washed it. Since i am working, it is very unconvenient . if i am home i can change my pant or use izar. Will my doubts nulify my prayer? Continue reading

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Is clapping permissible? either in Hadra or not. As some say there is a hadith where the Prophet (pbuh) forbade this… Continue reading

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Forex (Currency)Trading is it allowed in Islam?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is permissible to trade (buy/sell) shares (stock, commodity, currency)… Continue reading

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Apostacy in Islam

I have been told that if you commit apostacy in Islam knowing or unknowingly your nikah beomes invalid and you have to renew it again… Continue reading

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The existence of saints in non-Islamic religions

A brother postulated that the existence of saints in other faith traditions proves the validity of other religions… Continue reading

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Working in Banking software making company

Is working in a software company which deals with banking softwares haram ?… Continue reading

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