Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Sihr affected my hair so much

I am almost cured from sihr Alhamdulillah and my hair used to be reaaaally thick and full and now it’s really thin. Continue reading

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Dream: Blood Sex

About to sleep with my ex-girlfriend. Before anything happens an excessive amount of blood begins gushing from her anus. Continue reading

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Recording of the meaning of real existence

Please check the sequence of the above recording. It should have been in the reverse order. The opening from Shaykh Nazim first then the suhbah and coled by al fatehah. Continue reading

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consequences of divorce

A/s. My name is [private]. Please keep it unknown and my husband name is [private]. We have been married since 1 and a half year, no children yet… Continue reading

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Business losses husband and children in danger

Asawrb, magician putting magic to seperate me from husband. We are also suffering huge business losses. Continue reading

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Need guidance to true light

Salam, I’m a Moslem belief that only Allah Almighty is my God and through Muhammad Rasul Allah and with Quran as my Light Soul I step my life. Continue reading

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permission to take bayah.

Assalamu Alaykkum! With all respect I am [private], son of [private], living in [private] India. I ask you to give permission to take bayah and become a member of Naqshabandi order. Continue reading

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On roof with dad, raining, I go down. City is flooded, clean water, people are in water. I’m hanged on top of lamppost,watching everything. Continue reading

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What is the Fiqh behind Dhikr of the names of Allah?

I want to recite it, it feels as if it help me understand my Lord and make me complete. But I found a Salafi source saying it’s Bidah.. Continue reading

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love marrige

I love someone and my parents and also his parents know his mom talk with my mom they will come in our home after his dad retirement they said Continue reading

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