Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Saw a Black cat staring at me
Few days back when I was in the living room, doors to the balcony opened, suddenly I saw a black cat jumping. What really shook me was, the cat was looking right it to my eyes and the eyes are so sharp and clear. So I closed the door and then pasted mawlanas pictures all around the house. I live in UAE, and my balcony is facing desert. Continue reading
I love you sheijk hisham and Ilove you hayyiah naziah
thanks for all Continue reading
Haroot and Maroot
is there anyone who can write the story of Haroot and Maroot, or send a link, where we can read it?
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Prayer Request: Lost Handphone
I’ve lost my Handphone in my office, there is any pray will help me to found thats handphone, or how to know who,s steal my HP Continue reading
Mawlana Sheikh Hisham
why is Msh not giving daily Sohbats ? Continue reading
How to increase love for Shaykh
I am worried that when I do muraqabah I don’t love in my heart for Mawlana Shaykh. What do I do to increase this love. Please advise. Continue reading
Dream: confusd dream
salam, da dream dt i hd wz dt im in a big mrkt in da atire dt u wear wn goin to umra evry1 arnd me is askn odaz 4 a gud deed ol of a sudn my skul princpl cums n givz uz a minte ta leav da premisz hu eva leavz widin da miinut r sfe i den mange 2leav da markt n c 2frnds of myn, 1of my frnd gts seprtd whlst me n my oda frnd try 2run frm a man wid a blak hrse hu trys 2ctch us i am dn st in my mumz car wid my frnd n hopn i fnd my 2nd frnd i dn c hr wlkn up syn allah allah i dn tel hr 2gt in2da cr my mum dn gvz me a white cup 4myslf n frnd on da cup it is wrtn La ilaha ilalahu,
wasalam Continue reading
Prayer Request: Which career path to take
I am at a cross roads at the moment, and cannot decide which career path to take at the moment, and what will be beneficial for both my own and my families future. Continue reading
Conception issue
I arrived in the States at the beginning of 2006 to do further education. In 2009, I got married. I think we both married mainly for practical reasons though we also hoped that everything else would follow. My wife is disappointed with me. Her main reason to get married was to conceive a child, but I have not been able to provide her with one. A recent medical test showed some abnormality in my sperm that may have been caused by treatment I had for a severe accident in 2007. I am currently unemployed and cannot afford in-vitro fertilization. She is keen to buy sperm from a donor (astaghfirullah) as this is cheaper. She will be 43 this year and feels that time is running out. Unfortunately, she does not have much faith in prayer. Please advise.
IVF / IUI – Treatments
I have been married for almost 3 years now & have not been able to have offspring. Wife and I have had tests done recently, hers have come back good MashAllah however mine have come back as having insuffiecient sperm. Now they are asking if I re-do this test in 2 months time & if the results are zero again then our only option is IVF/IUI, full stop no other way. Continue reading