Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Dream: Toys in the mosque
Some toys of childhood were spread through a local mosque Continue reading
the letter ص
One day at my not obligatory Salah after Isha at Sujūd or sajdah I saw a big ص Continue reading
Calling me
I saw that I was praying maghrib fard when a man Continue reading
my 2 year old daughter,has been behaving strangely always crying if someone come near her Continue reading
Pain when aroused
When I think of sexual things I can get really bad pain. Continue reading
Problem with taking baya
I took baya a couple of times online. Continue reading
Alive father’s death in two dreams
One night i saw in dream that someone shot my father with gun on his forehead and he died,and i started crying. Continue reading
Today in my dream I saw that I was cutting the neck of my cat with knife then I woke up ? Continue reading
How can I take bayah
I want to take bayah but as Maulana Shaykh Nazim has passed away so of whom I can take bayah now Continue reading