Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: The Names of Allah

I am on a motorcycle driven by a cousin who passed away long ago… Continue reading

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Dream: Blessing

A few days ago, I dreamt of myself sitting on the floor next to Hajjah Nazihe, and she put her hand on my head, and said a blessing… Continue reading

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I drank the water in which some of the names of Allah had been disolved as a way to cure my illness. Many people in a gathering appeared to me. I could see them clearly if I closed my eyes but I wasn’t trying to imagine them. They were very happy and asked how I got there. They also gave me instructions to follow. I’m terrified of what they told me. What should I do? Continue reading

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I have seen in the dream that the Holy Places of MAKKAH and MADINA are in pakistan (in the city of Lahore). Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet peace and blessings be upon him

i had a dream where the Prophet pbuh is about to make salaah, and they ask me to pray next to them, and i look at them with a smile and say to them how can i pray next to you,you are the Prophet Sallalahoo Aalaihewasalim, and they respond with a beautiful heart melting smile… Continue reading

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Dream: photo

i saw our beloved mawalana sheik nazim ‘s photo in my dream and then i saw one wali (i don’t know his name)and dr tahirul qadiri who was giving a lecture what is the interpretation of this dream Continue reading

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Dream: Ayatul kursi to break sihr

I dreamt my 2 friends & I are standing on a very very high pillar holding on something. Then I heard a voice saying to us if we want to break the sihr problem we are facing, read ayatul kursi 2041 times…Then i saw something from where we stand like a glass or object fall down n break into pieces. dream ended. Continue reading

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Dream: Offering from Dajaal

asalaamwale kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear blessed Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and all eShaykh staff, i am a Mureeda and know a sister who is NOT a mureeda. She had a dream that we were both walking and someone came to us offering us something (she got the feeling in the dream that it was the dajaal). the sister took it and was walking but when he asked me to also take it i refused and on seeing that the sister gave it back to him and felt better. Continue reading

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Dream: Visiting Dargah in my dream

Bismillah hirrahma nirrahim,
Asalomalaikum to all, I am from India, my uncle and aunty is associated with silsila e naqshbandiya, they use to go to Sirhind Sharif to visit Sheikh Ahmad al Farooqi (rehmatullah alahi), i also made an intention to visit sirhind, after few years then i saw dream that i am visiting some graves and offering my salam, then i reach the main dergah of some buzurg, and then i offer salam there and from that dergah i got the reply of my salam and i heard the voice of recitation of Quran coming from dargah, after few years when i visit Sirhind sharif then i realised that the dargah which i saw in my dream was the same of Sheikh Ahmad al Farooqi rehamatull alaih. Thanks. Continue reading

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Dream: Visit to mawlana Shaykh nazim place

Dream : i & my sister went to visit mawlana, located at a very high mountain. We were waiting to talk to mawlana and noticed people asking him questions. i intended not to ask questions but ask for mawlana barakah, then he told us we can go back. We wanted to leave(go back home) but not able to find way out. also saw some murids making food using firewood. then we came to a place exit, Continue reading

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