Icons of Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them) in the Ka’ba
Is it true that Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) safeguarded icons of Jesus and Mary (as) in the Ka’ba as mentioned Continue reading
Hadiths about Turban
Are the hadiths “the imama is the crown of the Arabs, if they put it down they…” and “between iman and kufr is the imama” sahih or hasan ? Continue reading
Hadith of Saved Sects
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf quoted a hadith that 72 sects of the Muslims will go paradise and 1 to hell. Continue reading
Hadith of Creation
I bought your hadith forgery book in hardback. I just read in it that the hadith in Muslim about creation starting was claimed to be forged by some. Continue reading
Knowledge of Gibril (as)
Does the hadith below that has any reference? If you know please let me know, do people fabricate Hadith if so how come. Continue reading
( Hakim Tirmidhi ) الخلق وعاء الدين Is the hadith reliable ? Continue reading
Hadith: Love for one’s country
Could I ask the classification of the hadith. Continue reading
Rainwater Hadith Forgery
Kindly advise on the authenticity of article regarding rainwater shifaa. Continue reading
Salamu alaykoum, I would like to know if this hadith is reliable or not..
Continue reading
Hadith on Prophetic Succession
Inshallah everything is well. Had the honor of taking a class with you online through Seekers Guidance on Ibn Hajar’s Nukhbat al-Fikr a while back. Just have one question in regard to a Hadith and would be delighted to have it clarified. Continue reading