Prayer Request
Prayer Request: Vertigo
My doctor diagnosed me with ‘Vertigo’, a chronic type of dizziness. Persons with this disease will see things moving while they are stationary. I cannot go to mosque like I always did every night to do the Shalah with Jema’ah. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Permission for wazifa of Hazrat Da’ud A.S Dua for marriage
I need permission for doing wazifa of Dua of Harzrat Da’ud (a.s) for marriage and love. Seven months ago we got into each other and our families too accept us… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Late marriage
Salaam, may ALLAH bless our Habib Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and others.I am an unmarried girl soon going to be 30. In between there came a few good proposals interested in me. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Family fights
My father has lost his job and the financial situation is very tense. My father is always angry and in a bad mood… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mind Control
I feel like I have no control of my mind. The thoughts are so bad that I often feel suicidal and I am unable to block them… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Feeling very sad and depressed
I’m feeling very sad at the moment. There are conflicts between cousins in my family. O said something to 1 of my cousins’ mum… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To see and to be with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
he honourable syeikh Hisham, I would like to see Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) in my dream and I also would like to be with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Possible New Line of Business
Shaykh, my cousin and I were planning on opening a dessert shop near my home and I wanted your permission and your blessings… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Need to get married
I want to get married but i have no help at all of getting her. My parents will not look for someone and I haven’t seen anyone… Continue reading