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- I am 30 years old guy who is unemployed, unmarried, no friends
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- Wa-kana haqqan 'alayna nasr al-mu'minin.
- Dream about Sheikh Nizam and Sheikh Kabbani
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- Response to objection about the Parents of The Prophet (salalahu alayhi wa salam)
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Student Loans and weather should I even pay them
I have two questions: 1) Should I repay these loans even though its has interest? 2) By taking these loans have I committed a sin? Continue reading
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Tagged haram, interest, student loans
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I mean if it is not the law in their country can they say this to a Muslim and practice against him and use shayateen against him and his family and say it is a punishment for your sins because a Sufi Shaykh told them to do this? Continue reading
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Readers Block!
When I was in my teens and twenties, I used to read roughly 3-4 books a week, but sometime in my early to mid-twenties I began to have real difficulties concentrating for any length of time until I couldn’t read 2 pages from beginning to end. Continue reading
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Guidance needed
Question: I have a chance to do silat but the person organizing it for me is very sly and I cannot trust that person but I really want to do silat what should I do? Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan … Continue reading
I was in a serious relationship with a boy for more than three years.
His family members are strong followers of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamath… Continue reading
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Moving with my family
I wanted to ask whether it is good for us to move to Manchester with my family. I am considering other places too but want to ask whether this will be good for us. Continue reading
Required reference from Quran
Kindly confirm the authentication of dua Hazrat Dawood alaihe salam. And give the Quaranic reference of this dua. Continue reading
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Tagged authenticity, du`a of Sayyidina Dawud
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Seeking knowledge
I’ve been searching in New York for an authentic scholar who can teach me Hanafi fiqh and also the hadith books especially the 6 hadith books. I don’t have time to sign up for a full time Islamic school, and… Continue reading
Wanting for your brother what you want for yourself
I will be getting taxes back, about $1,000. I know its not 100% guaranteed but none the less I wanted to ask some advice about it. My heart or head or nafs or whatever wants to give… Continue reading
Latest posts
I would like to request you to please redesign the eshaykh.com website with specific reference to Latest posts Continue reading