Hazrat ‘Umar Radiallah ‘Anhu

As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

The Shias claim that Hazrat Umar may allah be pleased with him, was a cause of Fatima may Allah bless her’s death, as they say he burned her house, how true is this claim? What proof is their to oppose this false accusation, jazakallah khair


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Before approaching such stories we should know that the sources for such reports are of dubious or questionable reliability and their individual transmission chains are spurious. Is it not enough that the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, declared Sayyidina `Umar (r) was one of those who were guaranteed Paradise? Furthermore he had utmost love for the Prophetic family and he would not even let people raise their voices in the Prophet’s mosque, so how would he possibly allow a fire in a room right next to it (as the house of Sayyida Fatima [as] was adjacent to the Prophet’s mosque)? Also, as a rule, the highest number of forgeries in the Islamic heritage are from the same type, supposedly out of love for Ahl al-Bayt; but lying is haram and lying about the Sahaba and Ahl al-Bayt is even graver, so we should steer of that and remember that Allah Most High praised the early Companions above all others, among them the Khulafa Rashidin, and to disparage them is to go against His praise of them. We seek refuge from such a terrible slip. Blessings and peace on the Prophet, his Family, and all his Companions especially the Ten Promised Paradise.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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