Imam Ahmad Raza Khan


Assalam u alayekum Ya Sheikh Hisham !
I have read a few fatawa from fatawa e razawiyya.Imam Ahmad Raza is quite famous and authentic w.r.t to his fatawa but his stance about wahabbis and shia’s is quite hard (as compared to some other ulema of ahl e sunnat wal jamaat).He forbids to pray in the imamat of wahabi’s and shia’s (although he has’nt mentioned word wahabi /shia).
He also forbids to keep relations,friendship or intimation with such people.So,what should we do?Should we follow barelvi school or or the traditional ahle sunnat wal jamaat school?(According to barelvi school,you can’t even say salam to a bad’mazzhab i.e wahabbi or shia.)
Shukran ya syedi.


wa `alaykum salam,

About praying behind Wahabi imam see the Post  Praying in Mosque with People of Different `Aqidah.

Regarding giving salams and other issues, our shuykh do give salams and return them, keep relationships and even accept invitations from Wahabis, Salafis, Shi`as, and Deobandis. Keep in mind, many people entered the Path of Truth and Tasawwuf after being Wahabi, Shi`a, even Christian, Jew or atheist. This would not have happened had Sufis/Sunnis completely cut their ties of relationship. That is where the importance of having a living shaykh comes into play.

In any case you have both opinions, now choose which you wish to follow.

Taher Siddiqui

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