question about jannah



This question is a bit silly, and I feel shy to ask, but Ill ask anyway. Im a guy that plays video games, but I dont get so sucked in them that I forget Allah. But whenever I watch my favorites shows with action, or play those kinds of video games I cant help but think, “Yes! This is what I want in jannah. I want a sort of video game machine which creates a sudo world in jannah. in it I can live the way characters were depicted in the video games, with plenty of action and what not. I know it sounds real childish, but can I have something like this in jannah?


Allah swt said:

lahum ma yashauna feeha wa laydayna mazid.

There will be for them therein all that they wish,- and more besides in Our Presence. (Qaf, 50:35)

Taher Siddiqui

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