Tabligh movement


Asalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh yaa Sayyidi.

Need advise about Tabligh movement.The movement encourage the followers to go out for fisabillah for 3 days in a month, 40 days in a year and 4 months in a life time. Should we encourage to join tabligh?
My brother is involved in the tabligh movement. After listening to Maulana Sheikh Nazim sohbahs, he begins to show interest in Naqshbandi Tareeqah.

Please help to explain about the tabligh movement. If the movement is not encouragable, please help to doa for my brother so that he will take baiya with Sheikh Nazim.

Wassalam. Thank you Sheikh .


wa `alaykum salam,

See the Post “Reality of Thableegh Jamath


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