The Purpose of the Jinn that Accompany Us


As-salaamu Alaykoem(WRBT)
Shaykh Gibril
The jinn that is placed in our company, what function does it serve? Can it harm us or influence our lives. People who use Sihr, do they use their Jinn to do certain things for them or to harm people. Can we control the Jinn that is with us?
I am not sure, but I have a strong feeling that my wife is under the spell of a Jinn.
Shukrun for your advice.


wa `alaykum salam,

It is a test for both humans and jinns. Harm or influence is similar to that of good or bad habits/addictions and is shaped by our faith-informed self-control or lack of it. As the Holy Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) said: “Even I have a jinn companion, but he commands only goodness and I am safe from its harm” (Sahih Muslim). Furthermore, he taught us the way to achieve this safety: Obey Allah beginning with the obligations and then acquire the good characteristics taught and illustrated in the Sunnah. Ensure your family prays their obligatory prayers, let them try and keep wudu‘ as much as possible, begin and end your day with two or more voluntary raka`ats and spend daily sadaqa – even small – for collective protection, keep to good company, good activities and good thoughts, especially suhba, dhikr and the frequent recitation of Surat al-Fatiha, Ayat al-Kursi, the last verses of Surat al-Baqara, and the last three Suras of Qur’an.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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