Dream: Baby asks me to make dua


Salaam aleikoum wa rahmatollahi wa barakatoh,

Awhile ago I had a dream about a baby that could speak. The baby was sitting and she asked me to make a dua for her. I think it was a girl. (I dream a lot about babies and pregnancies). And in my dream I promised her that I would make a dua for her.
And I also did it in reality. It was a beautiful but mysterious dream.

I hope you can help me understand it

Djazaka allahoe gair for all you kindness

Salaam aleikoum


wa `alaykum salam,

Making Du`a is the essence of `Ibadah (worship). This is a hadith of our Prophet (s). Allah likes His servants to make du`a (supplicate) to him. Insha-Allah this dream means that your soul is encouraging you to pray and supplicate to Allah. Make du`a everyday insha-Allah, pray for yourself and for the Ummah of Muhammad (s).

Ali Elsayed

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