Dream: Gathering with Sheikh Hisham


I had a dream where I was in a gathering with Sheikh Hisham and other people. We were about to start prayer and I find myself next to a brother in front of the line about to lead prayer and Sheikh HIsham was behind us. I felt embarrassed that I seem to be in the way. I gently touched the brother on the arm to ask him if we are in the way but he was focused forward. Then Sheikh says the Prophet (SAW) is asking a question about someone who smells a certain way. Then Sheikh smiled and said who is the only female here and asked a few other questions. Then I thought I heard him spell out a word like mother. If I can understand the meaning thank you Allah bless you.


May Allah bless you. The dream points to advice to spend more time with your mother, i.e. Hajjah Naziha, or seek to learn from her, and acquire perfection of womanly Muslim manners from her.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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