Dream: Istikhara for brother’s sihr


Assalamu Alaikum Maulana Shaykh Hisham. Forgive me for my ignorance and lack of adab.
My brother is suffering from jinn/siher. Thank you for sending me the prescription against sihr. I haven’t done it yet because I have to travel back to my counrty.
I did istikhara about his condition and how to proceed. I had this dream:
I see a wedding going on. I asked my mother (she passed away last year) who is getting married and she tells me my brother is getting married. I asked her how are we going to marry him when he is in this conditon and mother said that it won’t happen again. Then I saw snowflakes falling from the sky. They were somehow very white and beautiful and I got a good feeling.
Please Mawlana pray for us and forgive me for taking too much of your time. This thing destroyed the whole family for seven years.


wa `alaykum salam,

This means that your brother will be cured of the evil black magic affecting him by means of what the Shaykh has sent you insha-Allah and his life will change for the better.

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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