Dream: Marriage istikhara


I did istikhara for three days for a marriage proposal.

D1: I saw that I was struggling with children and I was given booklets from my teacher.
D2: It snowed heavily and I was unable to get my car out I was telling my brother but we were unable to take the car out.
D3: People came to our house and I saw blue wallpaper.
D4: I was going to a wedding and there was so much noise and people talking. There were sheiks who were talking at the wedding. We were about to set off for it when I tell a black alsatian dog to come ad sit in the car even though it did not want to come in.
D5: I was at a gathering and am embarrassed for some reason, my uncle tells me to take this little boy and we are walking. Jazakhalla khair.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

D1 and D5 showing children and D4 showing the wedding and ‘ulama are good signs for marriage. The D2 and D3 show angelic blessings. There may be some difficulties as with every relationship as you are struggling in most of the dreams in some way. Consult with your family and repeat the istikhara if things are not yet clear for you. And Allah knows best.

Abdul Karim

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