Dream: Prophet pbuh hug



Thank you all so much for the brilliant work on this website.

I am not a strong one, although I am trying to improve. I have had a dream in which the propet Muhammed (saw) is hugging me. I can not see the blessed face of the prophet Muhammed (saw) as it is covered while they are hugging me. I am also weeping while they hug me. I am not sure if I remember properly but I think I was somewhere dark / low light. Please can you help me to understand this?

Many thanks and jazakallah.


wa `alaykum salam,

Blessed are you for this magnificent dream, mabruk! Being hugged by the Prophet (s) means being granted spiritual knowledge and wisdom as a grant from the Prophet (s) to you for your service, dedication and sincerity. Keep doing your best for Allah and His Prophet (s) and your spiritual teachers and insha-Allah you will be granted to see the Prophet’s blessed face.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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