Dream: vision of rasulallah and awliya


I Was walking In To a gathering like I usually do but in this gathering was peculiar as soon as I walked in I heard tala’al badru alayna being recited and in the room all I could see is shuyukh awliya saliheen and pious people the room was very big I couldn’t tell how far it was and after I walked in they came and started kissing my hands and feet I kissed them back kissing their hands and feet then they guided me along and as I was moving the shuyukh stood up and began smiling I finally reached The Best of creation prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who when I looked at prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he smiled and I straight away kissed his blessed hands feet and shoulders and the best of creation grasped my hand and placed it upon there chest I felt peaceful and I could smell a scent which I had never smelt before and the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him placed their hand upon my chest and my chest was filled with light and the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had a cloak white light beaming from it and the best of creation placed it upon my back and he smiled and kissed my hand the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had beautiful smelling sweat.


This dream is clear and self-explanatory and congratulations for receiving such good tidings! Seeing the Prophet (s) is the best you can see, and seeing awliya and shuyukh and they kissed your hands and feet and you kissed theirs means they  are accepting you and dressing you with what they received of lights of wilayah and you in turn are praying for them. and the Prophet (s) placing his blessed hand on your chest is protection and spiritual upliftment from him to you, and what a great honor and blessing. Again kissing your hand and placing that robe on you indicates you will reach a high spiritual maqam and your prayers are accepted. You must not think this is from your achievements, but this is due to the prayers of your pious ancestors you saw in the dream being answered in you for you are to represent them in the Last Days. This is an era of which all pious predecessors are jealous of the blessings of those who reached this time and kept their belief.

w’Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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